Thursday, March 24, 2011

By Tim Lesnik

Screen legend and tireless Aids charity campaigner Dame Elizabeth Taylor has died in Los Angeles at the age of 79.

A two-time Best Actress Oscar winner, Dame Elizabeth stood out as a star even in Hollywood's Golden Age.

Remembered for her beauty, acting talent and wit, Dame Elizabeth's romances will also live long in the memory, not least her relationship with fellow actor and repeated co-star Richard Burton.

'Liz and Dick' met on the set of Cleopatra, in which she starred as the Egyptian queen and he as Mark Antony.

They married, divorced, married and divorced again in a tempestuous love affair played out in full view of the public.

London-born Dame Elizabeth, a dual citizen of the UK and US, married a total of eight times before divorcing for the final time in 1996.

According to her son Michael Wilding, she "lived life to the fullest".

"We know, quite simply, that the world is a better place for Mom having lived in it," he said.

"Her legacy will never fade, her spirit will always be with us and her love will live forever in our hearts."

For much of her life Dame Elizabeth was beset by health problems and she eventually succumbed, surrounded by her family, to symptoms of congestive heart failure.



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