Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hurley and Grant

Elizabeth Hurley has a sympathetic shoulder to cry on in the wake of her separation from businessman Arun Nayar. The model-actress, who tweeted the breakup news last dec. 12, after photos surfaced of her looking cozy with frosted-tipped Australian cricket player Shane Warne, received a visit from ex-boyfriend-turned-best friend Hugh Grant on Wednesday at her London home.

And if anyone can offer Liz consolation, it's probably Hugh. You'll recall that in 1995, eight years into his relationship with Hurley, the romcom-centric actor was very publicly arrested after he sought out the services of working girl Divine Brown. He parted ways with Liz in 2000, but they have remained close, even vacationing together with Nayar.

"Hugh is still my number one," Hurley said earlier this year. "We've been best friends for 24 years and that's not nothing."

Meanwhile, the London Daily Mail says Liz and Arun are planning a "quickie" divorce that will protect her $20 million fortune.

"It will be an amicable settlement with no party giving out large portions of money to anybody," a Nayar source is quoted as saying. "Liz doesn't want Arun's money and neither is Arun interested in her wealth."

So, what caused their three-year union to crash and burn?

A source tells Us that Nayar longed for kids, but Hurley, 45, "didn't want to go through the pain of IVF. Liz doesn't compromise, everything was her way or no way."

Hurley, who is mom to 8-year-old son Damian (father is producer Steve Bing, who initially questioned paternity; Hugh is his godfather), took to Twitter on Tuesday to defend Nayar's role as a parent.

"Painful, sad days," she wrote. "Arun & I separated for private reasons but [for the record] he has been a great father to our son Damian & will always be in his life."

Despite the amicable statement, a spy gripes to Us that Nayar feels Hurley, who claims they called it quits "a few months ago," "intentionally humiliated" him.

"They had been having marriage problems for some time, but Arun wasn't prepared to give up so easily," contends the insider. "Liz, on the other hand, gave up and didn't tell her husband. Instead she went out and found someone else and then broke the news to him. He is gutted."

On Thursday, Hurley vented her frustration with the various rumors swirling around the split, tweeting, "Bored now of silly speculations: no one is divorcing anyone yet, no one is fighting over money & I have no plans to go to Australia. Enough!"

Speaking of going Down Under, Liz might want to wait a while before booking a trip to Warne's homeland.

"It's a rebound," scoffs the Us spy. "They'll be over before you know it." Giantis


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